Friday, May 3, 2013

In Defense of ESPN's Chris Broussard

If you want to know how to "defend your faith" as a Christian against the slings and arrows of an unbelieving world, take notes from Chris Broussard.

Broussard is an ESPN reporter who covers the NBA, and he made a public statement in response to player Jason Collins' "reveal" about being gay, in which Broussard said Collins is living in "open rebellion to God."

Since making that statement, Broussard has been attacked by celebrities and media alike, including the online blog that carried the headline "Why ESPN's Chris Broussard Came Out as a Bigot" for its story.

In spite of such attacks, Broussard has been articulate and eloquent in defending his faith and his belief in God, and in God's Word, the Bible.

As Christians, we need to rally in support of Chris Broussard and applaud him for his courage in taking on a culture that has moved so far away from Biblical principles and beliefs.  What he said, we all may need to say some day...and probably sooner rather than later.

If you would like to listen to an interview of Broussard by a team of radio DJ's who did not agree with his Christian point of view, click on the link below.

Warning!  Some of the language used at the end of the interview is R-rated.  Please don't be offended...this is the way the world talks today without the Holy Spirit to direct them.

Also, notice how the DJ's keep attacking Broussard, even after the interview is over.  This is a spiritual battle and Satan clearly has his legions...

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