The month of May is the month of over-turned soil.
Driving down the road during the month of May, you can't
help but notice how the land around you has changed.
Gone are the old, crumpled, broken stalks of last year's
corn crop. Gone are the early-Spring weeds which had begun to poke their
heads above ground only a month ago. Gone, even, are the leftover leaves
and scattered branches which had fallen during February's snow storms.
In their place is over-turned soil.
In May, farmers prepare their fields for planting. New
seed won't grow among the old remains of last year's crop. New seed needs
new, clean soil for healthy growth. So farmers turn the soil, exposing
the fresh earth while burying the old, worn-out ground underneath.
Also in May, home gardeners spend hours pulling and yanking
weeds from their flower beds to keep those weeds from choking out the tender
growth of their new plants. Those gardeners turn the soil, making room
for the flowering of new life to come.
And in May, homeowners are outside picking up the leaves and
branches from their lawns which left scars behind during the long winter months
when it was just too cold to do anything about them. Homeowners turn the
soil, planting fresh grass seed to heal the wounds of winter.
The month of May reminds me that good seed needs good
soil. And only "over-turned" soil is "good soil" for
In many ways, the same is true in the life of a Christian. If God is going to plant some
"good seed" in the field or flower bed of your life, He needs to
over-turn some soil. He needs to prepare you for the growth that is to
Like the farmer, God will not throw His "good
seed" over the "old crop" of your life. It will not grow
there. He needs to over-turn some soil.
Like the gardener, God will not throw His good seed into a
flower bed full of weeds. First, He needs to over-turn some soil.
Like the homeowner, God will not throw His good seed among
the fallen leaves and branches of your life. It cannot grow there among
that kind of dead debris. He needs to over-turn some soil.
How does He do it? What are the signs of
"over-turned soil" in your life?
In many ways, "over-turned soil" looks a lot like
Sometimes, God overturns the soil of your life by changing
something. Maybe He adds something new
to your life...a new job, a new baby, a new friend, a new church, or a new
Sometimes, God may overturn the soil of your life through
loss...the loss of a loved one, the loss of your health for a while, the loss
of a financial nest egg, or the loss of a home.
There are times when over-turned soil looks like a reason to
celebrate. At other times, it looks like a reason for grief and
worry. But, in the midst of both happy and sad circumstances, God is preparing you for His new, good seed. He
is over-turning some soil.
Jesus told a story about good seed and soil in
Matthew, chapter 13....
"A farmer planted seed. As he scattered
the seed, some of it fell on the road, and the birds ate it. Some fell in
the gravel, it sprouted quickly but didn't put down roots, so when the sun came
up it withered just as quickly. Some fell in the weeds; as it came up, it
was strangled by the weeds. Some fell on good soil, and produced a
harvest beyond the farmer's wildest dreams."
The thing is, if God were to ask me, I would say that
I really don't want Him to over-turn that soil in my life.
Do you know why?
Because I do not like change.
If it were up to me, I would prefer to keep things just like
they are.
But God can't just leave "well enough
alone"...because "well enough" is not "good enough"
for Him.
He knows if He does not over-turn some soil in your life, if
He does not bring both happy and sad changes your way, then your faith and
your relationship with Him will not
It would be like spreading perfectly good seed on
"unprepared" soil. It would
just lie there until it was either washed away by rain or swept away by wind.
It would never take root.
It would never bear fruit.
And that's just it.
God wants His Spirit to take root in your life. He wants you to bear fruit for Him.
So, God plants "good seed" in your life which
allows you to grow into the wonderful crop He wants you to be.
Just remember...before He can do it, He needs to prepare
you. That means He will need to over-turn some soil in your life.
That means, changes are coming. Don't be surprised.
Be ready.
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