Tuesday, March 26, 2013

When God Weeps

Today in Washington, DC, the Supreme Court will hear people argue that our nation should allow same-sex marriage. 

Today in North Dakota, people are protesting, asking their state government to curtail limits on abortion.

Today in Christianity, we are only a few days away from Good Friday.

The paradox of that is striking to me.

In the midst of our most sacred week of Christian observances, commencing with Palm Sunday and concluding on Easter Sunday, we seem intent on making God weep as a nation.

As Jesus approached Jerusalem with His disciples, He stopped and wept.  He was saddened that His own people did not recognize Him as Messiah, and did not realize what a momentous loss this would be for them.

Today in heaven, God weeps again because so many people in this country do not realize the loss we suffer by ignoring His Word...

...which specifically says that He placed a man and a woman in the Garden of Eden.  He did so for a reason, because He ordains marriage to be between two people of the opposite sex.

...which proclaims that He "knits together" in mothers' wombs every baby, because He loves the unborn as much as He loves those who are born.

Today God weeps again because, just like the Jews of Jerusalem back then, many people in our country prefer to shape Him into their image of what they would like Him to be, rather than follow obediently the image of Himself He has already given us.

Their answer was to hang Jesus on a cross.

Interestingly, that is our answer also.  

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