Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Curious Commercials

My local Time Warner station has made some curious decisions regarding the kinds of commercials they have allowed to run during the History Channel's broadcast of The Bible.

Of course, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised when, even for a bibilically-based show like this, the Almight Dollar takes precedence over the Almighty God.

For example, there is the sixty-second commercial from a local gun shop touting all the life-saving reasons everyone in the country should own an assault rifle.  I'm not sure how Jesus feels about the pros and cons of owning such a gun, but I don't think The Bible telecast is the place or time for that discussion.

Then there are the every-commercial-break, ad nauseam spots for the other History channel top show, The Vikings.  I suppose the braintrust at the History Channel figures that if you like The Bible because of its historical context, then you will also like The Vikings.

Of course, I would guess that most people tuning in to watch The Bible are not doing so because it is history.  Besides, I'm not sure how much actual history is being reflected in The Vikings anyway, but my guess is, not much.

As a matter of fact, my guess is that most Christian viewers would not consider the content of The Vikings appropriate for them to watch, and certainly not a family-friendly show they would sit and watch with the kids.

But my biggest surprise is the commercial which has aired every single week on my local broadcast of The Bible from an area exotic dance establishment.  It actually shows scantily-clad women dancing and discussing why gentlemen should frequent their place of business.

Now, I suppose in the spirit of Christian freedom, believers may be interested in purchasing an assault weapon, and they may decide that they like to watch The Vikings.  But there are no circumstances under which a Christian should darken the door of an exotic dance bar.

Despite what some people may claim, no one goes into that kind of place because they like the food.   They go there for one reason and one reason only, and it has nothing to do with the food.  However, it has everything to do with lust.

And lust is sin.

And sin is wrong in the eyes of the Lord.

And the people who pay for this particular commercial know this.  They just don't care.  As a matter of fact, by running their commercial during The Bible, they are thumbing their noses at Christians and the God we serve.

They are laughing at us.

Mocking us.

It is not unlike what unbelievers did at the cross of Christ when He was crucified.

They thumbed their noses at Him.  They laughed at Him.  They mocked Him.

Some things never change.

Until they do.

They did when Jesus came off the cross and out of the tomb three days later.

They will when He comes off His throne in heaven and returns again, as the Scriptures say He will.

We'll see who has the last laugh then.

It's just a matter of time.

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