Thursday, April 25, 2013

Don't Insult My Intelligence!

I just hate it when someone insults my intelligence.

When they try to "pull the wool over my eyes," it just infuriates me.

I mean, I can see with my own two eyes, and I can hear with my own two ears...and I like to think I have a brain in my head.

But, apparently, not everyone agrees.

Take this year's collection of judges on the once-popular TV show, "American Idol."  They have insulted my intelligence so often this season that I can no longer watch.

They did it by swooning over singers who were clearly not that good.  I think the judges wanted to convince me that these barely-better-than-karaoke-singers were the best talent since Carrie Underwood...or Scotty McCreary...or Barbra...or Frank...because, by doing so, they were defending their decisions to put these singers on the show in the first place.

But they insulted my intelligence.

After all, I have ears.

Or, consider a recent broadcast of "Morning Edition" on the NPR radio network.  They aired a "news" story that basically boiled down to this:  Many scientific researchers are switching from lab rats to lab mice for their experiments.

That's it.


It insulted my intelligence.

How in the world is a story like that "newsworthy?"

After all, I have a brain.

My children seem to specialize in insulting my intelligence.  This was especially so when they were younger.  Chores left undone.  Curfews not met.  Secret comings and goings.

When I would confront them about such issues, they would deny and deflect.

And in the process they were insulting my intelligence.

Because, I have eyes.

My reactions to these insults varied...from avoidance of "American Idol," to disappointment with NPR, to anger with my children.

In each case, however, my response was a negative one.

Which is also a warning to me as a Christian today.

Because, if I'm not careful, I can insult the intelligence of the people around me...especially unbelievers.

As a representative of Christ, they see Him in me.

They hear Him in me.

So if they see me looking at a woman in a lustful way, they see Him doing it.  If they see me at a movie I should not be attending, they see Him there.  If they see me cheating or stealing, they see Him cheating and stealing.

In the process, I insult their intelligence.

If they hear me gossip behind someone's back, they hear Jesus do it.  It they hear me lie, they hear Him do it.  If they hear me use God's Name in vain, they hear Him do it.

And I further insult their intelligence.

Because they have eyes, and ears, and brains...and they are basing their image of Jesus on me.

And on you.

When we insult their intelligence, their image of Christ is tarnished...and their response to Him can range from avoidance, to disappointment, to anger.

All negative.

As Christians, we must live in such a way that we stop insulting the intelligence of the people around us...

...and start inviting them instead.

Inviting them to come to Him and know Him as we know Him...

...which will change their lives forever by giving them new life!

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